Cat Vaccines available in India and their prices (2025 Updated).

We have made a list of all feline or cat vaccines available in India as of 2024 and their prices. This is not a complete cat vaccination guide – you will find many such on the internet, here we have listed the best cat vaccines currently in active circulation in India, their prices, and the discounts you can expect on them.

Usually, kittens and cats are given 2 mandatory/core vaccines in India.

1)CRP aka Feline distemper vaccine aka FCV+FHV+FHLV: Immunization is provided against feline Calicivirus, Rhino tracheitis virus(feline herpes virus), and Panleucopenia virus.

2)Anti-Rabies: All cats should be given feline rabies vaccine after a few days or 1 month of giving CRP vaccine.

FeLV : Vaccine for Feline leukemia virus is given to cats in first-world countries which still is not available or popular in India, hence no variant is provided for FeLV below. You can certainly give the FeLV vaccine in addition to the above two if you can get your hands on one after consulting with your veterinarian.

Booster doses: the same vaccine as given before should be repeated at regular intervals for 30 days for the first 1-3 times and then once every year or as advised by your veterinarian.

Listed below are all the available CRP cat vaccines from different brands in India:-

a)Feligen CRP 1ml(MRP Rs650): Feligen CRP comes from the house of Virbac Animal Health and provides active immunization of healthy cats of minimum 6 weeks of age against feline herpes virus type 1 (rhinotracheitis), feline calicivirus and feline panleukopenia virus (MW-1).

virbac feligen crp cat vaccine

This is a good and popular choice among pet owners and animal health lovers in India.


b)Felocell 3 1ml(MRP Rs1070 New 2025 MRP): Felocell 3 combination vaccine for cats and kittens comes from the house of Zoetis USA.

zoetis felocell 3 cat vaccine

Felocell is an imported, premium, and globally popular CRP vaccine for cats.


c)Ronvac 1ml(MRP Rs900): Ronvac CRP vaccine comes from the house of Panav Biotech in India and is a top choice among veterinarians.

ronvac cat vaccine


d)Nobivac TriCat Trio 1ml(MRP Rs880): Nobivac tricat trio vaccine is also a popular choice as a CRP vaccine and comes from the house of MSD Animal Health.

nobivac tricat trio cat vaccine

It is a Lyophilized live vaccine for the immunization of cats.

e)Biofel PCHR 1ml(MRP Rs1000): Biofel PCHR vaccine is a CRP+Rabies combo vaccine which comes from the house of Bioveta Europe.

biofel pchr crp rabies combination vaccine

It can be a good option for your cat if you want to give one vaccine.

Rabies Vaccines: All dog rabies vaccines can be given to cats as well. Usually, there is no difference in rabies vaccine for dogs, cats, and other small companion animals or livestock(Same rabies vaccine for both dogs & cats).

You can find the full list of dog rabies vaccines available in India in the list here.

A list of all cat rabies vaccines is also given below.

a)Rabigen mono 1ml(MRP Rs225): Same rabigen mono vaccine which comes for dogs from Virbac is recommended for cats and kittens as well.

Virbac Rabigen Mono Dog & Cat vaccine

b)Zoetis defensor 1ml(MRP Rs225) & 10ml(MRP Rs680): This dog rabies vaccine is recommended for cats as well. It is a premium imported rabies vaccine for dogs & cats.

zoetis defensor rabies vaccine dogs cats cattle

Other anti-rabies options(Same for both dogs & cats):-

Raksharab 1ml – MRP Rs160.

Raksharab 10ml – MRP Rs480.

Canvac R 1ml – MRP Rs200.

Canvac R 10ml(multi-dose) – MRP Rs600.

Biofel PCHR 1ml(CRP+Rabies) – MRP Rs1000.

Nobivac Rabies 1ml – MRP Rs280.

Nobivac rabies 10ml – MRP Rs580.

Intas Canishot RVF 1ml – MRP Rs201.53.

Disclaimer: We don’t sell vaccines online as there are refrigerator items that need to be kept cold, hence they cannot be shipped in the usual manner like medicines. This article is written for information purposes only.

You should buy cat vaccines locally from a vet shop or directly visit a vet clinic or animal hospital to reduce the hassle of keeping it cold yourself. While application at clinic may be more expensive usually charged at MRP + Application cost, chances of maintaining the cold chain are more there.

For large-scale applications or NGO/Animal health center purposes, you can expect a 30%-60% off discount on MRP of the vaccines mentioned before.

Usually, vaccines are available at a higher discount percentage 30-35% on retail even when 1 pc is purchased from a retail veterinary medicine shop by anybody.

Discount is higher in vaccines than normal veterinary medicines which usually is 15% off MRP at most places. Please note a lot of the cost of a vaccine goes to keeping it cold than the vaccine cost itself.

If you are purchasing from a retail shop, make sure it is cold when you buy, pack well with plenty of ice-packs along the transit back home, and keep in the refrigerator till application by vet/paravet. If vaccine is freeze-dried powder, make sure to collect sterile diluent along with it.

Always check the expiry date of the vaccine before application and maintain a vaccination book with the stickers of the vaccine labels. A very low-expiry vaccine should be avoided, they can even be sold at Rs50 rupees for a MRP Rs1000 vaccine as they become worthless after expiry(Most vet companies don’t take back expired animal vaccines from retailers unlike normal medicines).

The complete list of both feline CRP and anti-rabies cat vaccines available in India and their MRP brand-wise is given below.

cat vaccine price-list India 2024