Setgut powder for dogs from vetrina optimizes gut health. It is usually prescribed for dogs and pups with gut imbalance, chronic diarrhoea or bad stool, improper indigestion etc. It contains prebiotics, probiotics, natural enzymes and good gut bacteria that helps improve digestion and cure diarrhoea. Setgut also helps to improve stool quality and prevent dry hard/loose wet stools. It helps control diarrhea and enhances immunity caused by antibiotic therapy, stress, food sensitivity, dietary indiscretion or a weakened immune system.
Usual dosage is 3g per 10kg body weight in dogs. Regular use recommended in chronic cases till symptoms subside.
Ingredients: Each 2.5 gm contains: Probiotics: 2 billion CFU (Saccharomyces cervisiae, Bacillus coagulans, Lactobacillus acidophils Enterococcus faeceium); Prebiotics: 30 mg (Fructo Oligosaccharide, Mannan Oligosaccharide); Enzyme Complex: 50 mg (Cellulase, Xylanases β-Glucanse, , Pectinase, Protease, Amylase, Lypase).
Quantity: 100g powder. Sold as 50g pack of 2.
Sandra Sureshkumar –
If I am not there please deliver in Tamil Medicals which is next to my house