Zoetis Virkon S is a Veterinary Virucidal Disinfectant for cleaning / sanitizing bird cages as well as cages of diseases birds and animals. It helps disinfect biomedical remains as well. Can be used on all kinds of surface, equipment which came in contact with diseases birds, poultry or animals. It contains potassium peroxymonosulfate (an oxidizing specialist), sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate (a cleaning specialist), sulfidic corrosive (a cleanser), and inorganic cradles. It is ordinarily utilized for tidying up perilous spills, sanitizing surfaces and splashing gear. This can be used in numerous spaces, including clinics, research centers, nursing homes, burial service homes, dental and veterinary offices, bird cages, pet crates, pet beds soak and elsewhere where control of microbes is required. In a word it is a broad spectrum veterinary disinfectant – not just another sanitizer.
Useful in disinfecting livestock, birds, poultry farms, transportation and cages or kennels. Vircon S delivers 99.9% kill percentage on 500 strains of viruses, bacteria and fungi including Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Avian Influenza, Salmonella, Campylobacter and protects against diseases like Chicken anemia, Egg-drop syndrome, Hemorrhagic enteritis, Inclusion body hepatitis Infectious bursal disease, Ranikhet disease, infectious Bronchitis, Avain Diarrhoea, Fowl Pox, Fowl Plague, Avian Influenza, Marek’s Disease, Infectious Laryngotracheitis etc. Can also act as kennel wash, kennel cleaning powder or dog cat bird cage or crate washer.
Directions to use: To use, mix with water at 1:100 ratio i.e 10g of Virkon-s powder to every 1 litre of water and use the mixture directly. Keep away from eyes, ears & mouth. Mixed solutions can be stored for up to 7 days. 10 mins is the maximum necessary contact time. Keep away from children and food.
Solution can also be inserted into any spray bottle to prepare the Virkon s spray.
Quantity: 100g/500g powder.
Note: Virkon S is not directly available in ready to use spray or liquid form, thus the powder needs to be mixed with water first to use it as spray.
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