Protektor plus spot on aka protector plus spot on for dogs & cats comes from Alivira Animal Health (Protektor brand previously owned by Cipla). This contains fipronil 9.8% w/v & S-Methoprene 8.8% w/v, broad spectrum insecticides & ectoparasiticides that act on fleas, ticks, lice, mites etc. Fast and long-lasting action.
Suitable for dogs & cats of all breed and age above 1 month suffering from fleas, ticks, lice etc.
Available in 5 types:-
1)Protektor plus 0.67ml for 0-10kg puppies & dogs.
2)Protektor plus 1.34ml for dogs of weight 10-20kg.
3)Protektor plus 2.68ml for dogs of weight 20-40kg.
4)Protektor plus 4.02ml for dogs of weight above 40kg.
5)Protektor plus Cat 0.5ml for cats & kittens of weight 0-10kg.
Quantity: 1 pipette.
Declarations under Legal Metrological rules Govt of India:-
Country of Origin: India.
Manufactured by: Disinfecto chemical industries pvt ltd. D7, Chinhat industrial area, Lucknow-226019.
Marketed in India by: Alivira Animal Health.Plot E7, Road no. 22, Wagle industrial estate, thane 400604.
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