Essential spot-on for dogs & puppies come from the house of Dermoscent Laboratories. This skin and coat care spot on combines 6 actions:-
1)Hydrate the skin and reinforce the skin barrier function.
2)Enhance coat shine.
3)Reduce shedding and excess hairball.
4)Reduce flaking and dandruff.
5)Deodorize the coat and help lessen bathing frequency.
6)Protect thanks to its antioxidant effect.
Made up of natural ingredients, devoid of any artificial chemicals.
Suitable for dogs & puppies of all breeds and ages. The usual application frequency is 1 pipette every week. No massage required. A high-performance bio-diffusing agent allows a homogeneous distribution of the product all over the body of the animal from a single point of application. It is recommended not to bathe the animal during the 2 days before and the 2 days following the application in order to keep the sebum naturally present on the surface of the animal’s skin from being prematurely cleansed off before the complete diffusion of the ingredients. Make sure spot-on is applied directly on the skin by moving aside the fur.
Available in 3 variants based on body weight.
1) Essential 6 Spot on 0.6ml for dogs & puppies of body weight up to 10kg.
2) Essential 6 Spot on 1.2ml for dogs & puppies of bodyweight 10-20kg, 4 pipettes.
3) Essential 6 Spot on 2.4ml for large dogs of bodyweight 20-40kg, 4 pipettes.
Quantity: 4 pipettes of the variant purchased in 1 box.
Declarations under Legal Metrological rules Govt of India:-
Country of Origin: France.
Manufactured by: Dermoscent – Laboratoire de Dermo-Cosmetique Animale, Technopole Castres/Mazamet – Espace d’entreprises ZA Le Causse – 8110 Castres – France.
Imported & Marketed in India by: Savavet – Sava Healthcare Limited. 507-B to 512, GIDC Estate, Wadhwan city 363035 Gujarat.
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