This canine veterinary diet from Royal Canin is tailor-made for dogs with Liver disorders. It has moderately low percentage of copper and high energy density so that even a small amount of the food can give essential nutrition, thus decreasing load on the digestive system and the hepatic ( Liver ) system.
1)Low level copper prevents accumulation in Liver.
3)Takes care of symptoms associated with liver disorder like excessive urination, anorexia, weight loss/gain , diarrhea/vomiting as well.
3)Developed after thorough research of ingredients by eminent canine veterinarians.
Declarations under Legal Metrological rules Govt of India:-
Country of Origin: France/South Africa.
Imported and marketed in India by: Royal Canin India Pvt Ltd , F wing, 14th floor, Lotus corporate park, Graham fifth compound, off Western Express Highway, Goregaon E Mumbai 400063.
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